General Surgeon MD Sabri OZDAS from General Surgery Clinic, performed laparoscopic mini-gastric bypass surgery for first time in Adiyaman Education and Research Hospital. Mini gastric bypass procedure is a minimally invasive, short, simple, and successful laparoscopic weight loss surgery which is also suited for metabolic and diabetic surgeries.
General Surgeon MD Sabri OZDAS says " The 55 year-old female patient applied to our hospital from Osmaniye. Despite long-term use of insulin and blood pressure medications for morbid obesity, diabetes mellitus and hypertension, her blood glucose and bp values had not decreased. Our patient underwent follow-up and treatment for 8 months with the endocrine, cardiology, chest diseases, psychiatry and gastroenterology branches. Since the patient did not have any change in her values and her complaints continued during this period, we decided to perform laparoscopic mini-gastric bypass surgery. The operation lasted about two hours. Patient was able to walk six hours after the operation, on the post-op third day she was able to take oral fluid. The patient's blood glucose and blood pressure levels were improved at the end of first week.We stopped intke of medications which she has been using for diabetes and hypertension. She was successfully treated and discharged. I would like to thank to our hospital management and everyone who contributed to the realization of this operation in our hospital.”
Zübeyde B. says “I have been suffering from diabetes and hypertension for a long time. Although I have been taking a lot of medicines, my complaints continued to increase by the time. I was suffering from chronic pain and i was unable to cope with my daily activities. Quality of my life was decreased too much. Despite of many diet programs, exercises and treatments, I never could get well totally. After long research of my family my friends, I contacted MD Sabri OZDAS and I came to Adiyaman. Sabri OZDAS has spent his months trying to maintain my health. I would like to thank to my doctor and to all health care workers who paid close attention to me.”
The Chief Physician of Adıyaman Education and Research Hospital, Assoc. Prof. MD Fatih DOGAN says “ We perform successful operations in all of our surgical clinical branches with modern, cutting edge technological devices. Our specialist physicians and experienced staff provide health services of high quality to not only the patients from our city, but also to the patients who come from other provinces. I congratulate General Surgeon MD Sabri OZDAS and his team.”