The General Surgery Clinic provides healthcare services with 1 professor, 3 assistant professors, 7 specialist doctors and 2 assistant doctors. Our General Surgery Clinic serves with two inpatient wards with 36 beds capacity, on the third floor of the main building.. Annually, approximately 5.000 operations are performed in our clinic.
Services offered:
▶ Morbid obesity surgery
▶ Most of the oncological surgeries including breast cancer, gastric, colorectal,pancreatic and periampullary cancers, hepatic cancers and metastases surgeries.
▶ Hiatal hernia and gatrooesophageal reflux disease
▶ Advanced laparoscopic surgeries
▶ Thyroid, parathyroid and adrenal surgeries.
▶ Inguinal hernia repair
▶ Proctological surgeries