Name-Surname : Erman ALTUNIŞIK
Profession :Doctor
Branch : Neurology
• 2010 Çukurova University Faculty of Medicine
• Specialization in Medicine/ Gaziantep University Faculty of Medicine/ Deparment of Neurology
Professional Experience Special Interests:
- 2010 Gaziantep Nurdağı Gedikli Village Health Center
- 2010 Gaziantep Nurdağı District Hospital
- 2011-2015 Research Assistant /Gaziantep University Department of Neurology
- 2015-2017 Specialist Doctor /Siirt State Hospital
- 2017-2020 Specialist Doctor /Adıyaman Education and Research Hospital
- 2020 Adıyaman Education and Research Hospital/MD Assistant Professor
List of International Scientific Publications;
1.Plasma urotensin-2 level and Thr21Met but not Ser89Asn polymorphisms of the urotensin-2 gene are associated with migraines.
Geyik S1, Ergun S2, Kuzudişli S3, Şensoy F4, Temiz E5, Altunışık E6, Korkmaz M5, Dağlı H5, Kul S7, Akçalı A8, Neyal AM8.
2. Oxidative stress and DNA damage in patients with migraine.
Geyik S1,2, Altunısık E3, Neyal AM4, Taysi S5.
List of National Scientific Publications;
1. Yiğiter R,Elçi MA , Akçalı A, Altunışık E, Demir F, Neyal M. A Case of Associated Myasthenia Gravis with Generalized Wilson's Disease Emerging Treatment Results. Ege Journal of Medicine. 2 June 2013 be accepted. EGE-1575
2. ) Geyik S, Altunışık E, Elçi MA, Yiğiter R, Neyal M. A Case of Primary Central Nervous System Vasculitis Presenting Applicant with Status Epilepticus. 49th National Neurology Congress, 15-21 November 2013, Antalya, Turkey. Proceeding Abstracts Book page number 148.
3) Yiğiter R, Elçi MA, Akçalı A, Altunışık E, Demir F, Neyal M. A Case of Associated Myasthenia Gravis with Generalized Wilson's Disease Emerging Treatment Results; 48th National Neurology Congress, 16-22 November 2012, Proceeding Abstracts Book page number 155.
4) Geyik S, Altunışık E, Elçi MA, Yiğiter R, Neyal M. A Case of Primary Central Nervous System Vasculitis Presenting Applicant with Status Epilepticus. 49th National Neurology Congress, 15-21 November 2013, Antalya, Turkey. Proceeding Abstracts Book page number 148.