Name-Surname : Seyho Cem YUCETAS
Profession :Doctor
Branch : Neurosurgery
•1992-1999 Atatürk University Faculty of Medicine
•2004-2009 Specialization in Medicine/ Harran University Faculty of Medicine / Department of Neurosurgery
Professional Experience:
1999-2004 Adıyaman Health Directorate/ General Practitioner
2004-2009 Harran University Faculty of Medicine/Department of Neurosrugery/Research Assistant
2010-2013 Adıyaman 82nd Year State Hospital / Specialist Doctor
April 2013 Kafkas University Faculty of Medicine/ Department of Neurosurgery/ MD Assistant Professor
February 2015 Adıyaman University Faculty of Medicine/ Department of Neurosurgery/ MD Assistant Professor
2020 Adıyaman University Faculty of Medicine/ Department of Neurosurgery//Associate Professor MD
15 June-10 September 2019 I worked as a fellow observer at the University of Wisconsin.
Special Interests:
- Turkish Medical Association
- Turkish Neurosurgical Society
- Turkish Neurosurgical Society Spinal and Peripheral Nerve Surgery Group
- Turkish Neurosurgical Society Neurooncology Group
Conferences, Courses and Meetings Attended:
1.20-24 April 2018 The 32nd Scientific Congress, Turkish Neurosurgical Society, Antalya
2.29 March-2 April 2017 The 31st Scientific Congress, Turkish Neurosurgical Society, Antalya
3.21-24 September 2017 Spinal Surgery Symposium, Turkish Neurosurgical Society
4.19-22 October 2017 The 3rd Clinical Neuroscience Course, Samsun
5.4-8 September 2016 EANS Congress Athens Greece
6.8-12 April 2017 The 30th Scientific Congress, Turkish Neurosurgical Society, Antalya
7.17-21 April 2015 The 29th Scientific Congress, Turkish Neurosurgical Society, Antalya
8.22-26 January 2014 EMG and Neuromonitoring Course Kars/Turkey
9.8-10 November 2013 The 8th Black Sea Neurosurgical Congress. Tbilisi, Georgia:
10. 25- 28 September 2012 Spinal Surgery Symposium, Turkish Neurosurgical Society
11.17-22 April 2012 The 26th Scientific Congress, Turkish Neurosurgical Society, Antalya
12.23-25 December 2011 Advanced Spinal Surgery Course, Izmir
13. 22-26 April 2011 The 25th Scientific Congress, Turkish Neurosurgical Society, Antalya
14.28-31 October 2010 Symposium on Complications and Revision in Spinal Surgery, Turkish Neurosurgical Society
15. 14-18 May 2010 The 24th Scientific Congress, Turkish Neurosurgical Society, Antalya
16. 17-21 April 2009 The 23rd Scientific Congress, Turkish Neurosurgical Society, TRNC
17.18-22 April 2008 The 22nd Scientific Congress, Turkish Neurosurgical Society, Antalya
18.20-24 April 2007 The 21th Scientific Congress, Turkish Neurosurgical Society, Antalya
19.17-21 April 2009 The 23rd Scientific Congress, Turkish Neurosurgical Society, TRNC
20.12-19 March 2012 New Steps in Organ Supply: Intensive Care Training, Diyarbakır
21. 5-7 March 2010 Neuropathic Pain Symposium, Antalya
22. 22-29 June 2008 The Turkish Neurosurgical Society Summer School For Spinal Surgery, Course 1
23. 22-25 May 2008 The Turkish Neurosurgical Society Course “From Ethics to Research and From Research to Publication”
24. 8-11 May 2008 The 5th Meeting of Academic Days in Neurology
25. 6 October 2006 The 4th Meeting of Harran Orthopedics Days
26. 25 November 2005 Symposium on Hypophysis Tumors and Current Treatments
Scientific Research Projects
1.Immunohistochemical and RT-PCR-based Research of the Effect of Boron on the Brains of Obese Rats
2.Research on the Expression Levels of the Enzymes Considered to be Effective in Intervertebral Disc Degeneration
3.Research on the Expression Levels of Enzymes in Cervical and Lumbar Disc Degeneration
Scientific Publications:
1-Decreased catalase expression is associated with ligamentum flavum hypertrophy due to lumbar spinal canal stenosis.ŞC Yücetaş, T Çakir. Medicine.2019: 98 (15)
2-The Effects of Agomelatine on The Biochemical and Pathological Features of Cisplatin-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy: The First Experimental Study in Rats. CS YUCETAS, N Ucler, T Cakir.Turkish Neurosurgery.2019: 29 (6)
3-Steel rod impalement injuries involving the spine: A case report and literature reviewC Sarıca, ŞC Yücetaş, N Üçler, S Ballı, K Turgut, LT Sarıca. Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg. 2019: 25 (4), 417-423
4-Management Strategies for Hydrocephalus in Alobar Holoprosencephaly: A Case Report and Discussion.C Sarica, C Yucetas, A Ozen, N Ucler, C Konca, S Akar. Pediatric neurosurgery: 2019. 53 (5), 337-341
5-Black-colored ligamentum flavum due to alkaptonuria SC Yucetas, N UclerJournal of Neurological Surgery Part A: Central European Neurosurgery 80 (02 2018…
6-A Retrospective Analysis of Neonatal Encephalocele Predisposing Factors and Outcomes.Yucetas SC, Uçler N.Pediatr Neurosurg. 2017;52(2):73-76. doi: 10.1159/000452805. Epub 2016 Dec 9
7-Neuroretinal evaluation using optical coherence tomography in patients affected by pituitary tumors. Altun Y, Karadag AS, Yucetas SC, Saglam S, Tak AZA, Cag I, Ehi Y.Ann Ital Chir. 2017;88:7-14. PMID:
8-Evaluation Of Long Term Clinical Results Of Percutaneous Plasma Disc Coagulation Treatment In lumbar and cervical disk herniation. Yücetaş SC, Gezgin İ, Yıldırım CH, Ehi Y, Kaya M. Neurosurgery Quarterly 2014 WNQ-D-14-00076 August 2016 - Volume 26 - Issue 3 - p 219–224 doi: 10.1097/WNQ.0000000000000178
9-Comparative Results of Standard Open and Mini Open, KnifeLight Instrument-Assisted Carpal Tunnel Release. Yücetaş SC, Yildirim A. J Neurol Surg A Cent Eur Neurosurg. 2013 Nov;74(6):393-9.
10-Pneumocephalus after traumatic head injury: Our experience with 73 cases in a tertiary care center. Yücetaş SC, Yıldırım CH, Kaya M, Basak A, Torun NF. Neurosurgery Quarterly: May 2015 - Volume 25 - Issue 2 - p 250–254 doi: 10.1097/WNQ.0000000000000037
11-Effect Of Peroperative Local Levobupivacaine Infiltration To Prevent Postoperative Pain In Lumbar Disc Herniectomy Yücetaş Sc, Mordeniz C, Üçler, Baran O, N.Kei Ournel Vol 4 No 5 (2016): Vol.4 Issue 5, September 2016
12-Unilateral Cerebellar Agenesis With Minimal Clinical Symptoms Yücetaş SC, Hüseyinoğlu N, Yıldırım CH, Kaya M. Neurosurgery Quarterly:February 2016 - Volume 26 - Issue 1 - p 53–57doi: 10.1097/WNQ.0000000000000070
13-Intraspinal Extradural Arachnoid Cysts: A Case Report. Yücetas, SC. MD; Ates, Tuncay MD; Ates, Berna T. MD; Avci, Emel MD Neurosurgery Quarterly:May 2014 - Volume 24 - Issue 2 - p 98–100
14-Occipital Condyle Fracture Extending to the Inferior Part of the Clivus. Üçler N, Yücetaş SC. Pediatric Neurosurgery DOI:10.1159/000487512
15-Percutaneous Kyphoplasty, is Bilateral Approach Necessary? Yılmaz A, Çakır M, Yücetaş CŞ, Urfalı B, Üçler N, Altaş M, Aras M, Serarslan Y, Koç RK.Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2017 Dec 26. doi: 10.1097/BRS.0000000000002531.
16-Alpha-lipoic acid Inhibits peridural fibrosis following laminectomy through the inactivation of TGF-B1,PDGF,PAI-1 and IL-6 expressions Yıldırım CH, Yücetaş SC,Kaya M,Öziç C,Balioglu MB,Üstün H,Tasdemiroğlu E,Akbasak A. Turk Neurosurg. 2015;25(1):90-9. doi: 10.5137/1019-5149.JTN.10447-14.1.
17-Investigation of the Effects of Alpha Lipoic Acid Application on Total Antioxidant and Oxidant Status,Paraoxonase, and Total Sialic Acid Levels in Laminectomized Rabbits Yıldırım CH,Yücetaş SC, Kaya M,Oziç C,Kaya I, Bilgin C, Balıoğlu M, Karapehlivam M,Tekin T, Topcu B. Issue: Year: 2014, Volume: 20, Issue: 1
18-The Comparison of the Application of Percutaneous Transpedicular and Extrapedicular Vertebroplasty: Which Approach has Better Results?. Ucler N, Yucetas, SC. Ates T, Cakin H MD Neurosurgery Quarterly, May 2014
19-The effects of pre-emptive analgesia with bupivacaine on acute post laminectomy pain. Mordeniz C. Torun F, Soran AF, Beyazoğlu O, Karabağ H. Çakır H, Yücetaş SC. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2010 Feb;130(2):205-8
20-Cystic Meningiomas with Dural Invasion in Adults. Avcı E, Öztürk A, Özardalı İ, Bereket M, Karabağ H, Yücetaş ŞC, Çakır A. Journal of Neurosurgical Sciences. 2005: Volume 22, Number 3 Page(s)332-339
21- Intradural Herniation of Intervertebral Disk at The Level Lumbar 1-Lumbar 2. Özturk A, Avci E, Yazgan P, Torun F, Yucetas ŞC, Karabag H. Turkish Neurosurgery 2007:Vol 17, No2, 134-137.
22-Desmoplastic infantile ganglioglioma: case report.Avci E, Ozturk A, Baba F, Torun F, Karabag H, Yucetas SC. The Turkish Journal of Pediatrics.2008Sep-Otc;50(5):495-499
23- Ossification Of The Ligamentum Flavum: Rare cause of The Thoracic myelopathy.Avcı E, Öztürk A, Baba F,Yucetas ŞC, Çakır A. Journal of Neurological Sciences. 2008:Volume 25, Page(s)063-066
24- Slow growing mas of hard palate :schwannoma –case report. Karataş M,Sarıkaya Y, Doğan S,ErdoğduİH,Bulut HT,Yücetaş SC. J Clin Med Case reports April 2015 Volume 2,Issue 2
25-Epidural hematoma complication after rapid chronic subdural hematoma evacuation:A case report. Akpınar A,Ucler N,Erdogan U,yuceras SC. Am Case Report 2015;16:430-433
26-Cerebrospinal fluid leakage from the umbilicus: Case report and literature review. Dolas I, Apaydin HO, Yucetas SC, Ucar MD, Kilinc S, Ucler N. International Journal of Surgery Case Reports. 2016;20:60-62. doi:10.1016/j.ijscr.2015.12.052.
27-Cement leakage and complication of liposarcoma spinal metastasis during vertebral augmentation procedure: a case report Aykut Akpinar1 , Necati Ucler1,2*, Cem Seyho Yucetas1 , Uzay Erdogan1 and Mehmet Davut Ucar. Journal of Medical Case Reports (2016) 10:40 DOI 10.1186/s13256-016-0828-4
28- Incidentally diagnosed intracranial sewing needle in an adult patient : A Failed Infanticide Attempt. Ucler N, Yucetas SC. Pediatric neurosurgery Vol.51,No.6, 2016 (DOI:10.1159/000448049)
29-Prognoses of 42 Patients with Foot Drop Caused By Lumbar Intervertebral Disc Pathologies Serdal Albayrak • Necati Ucler • Omer Ayden • Seyho Cem Yucetas Mar 2016
30-Comparison of the mRNA expressions of Tgfβ1, bfgf, ıgf-1, ngfand matrix metalloprotease III genes in cervical and lumbar disc tissues Seyho Cem Yucetas, Atilla Yilmaz, Elif Gülec, Cem Ozic. J Turgut Ozal Med Cent. DOI: 10.5455/jtomc.2017.12.156
31-Psychiatric Disorders in Lumbar Stenosis with Chronic Pain and Their Effects on Lumbar Stenosis Surgery. Yücetaş SC, Yenilmez Y, Yıldırım C,Hüseyinoğu N, Ehi Y, Tunç S,Yıldırım K,Üçler N Kafkas J Med 2016;6(3):155-161
32-Hot Water Epilepsy: Presentation of Three Cases. Ehi Y, Üstebay S, Üstebay DÜ, Gezgin İ, Yücetaş SCTurk J Neurol 2016;22:181-183
33-Accessory Nerve Root and associated dural injury incidences encountered during lumbar microdiscectomy performed for lumbar disc hernias Yücetaş ŞC, Yıldırım CH, Balioğlu MB, Ehi Y, Soran AF, Akbaşak A doi: 10.5505/kjms.2014.83702
34-The Evaluation of the Relationship Between Sleep Apnea Syndrome and Depression/Anxiety Disorder Yusuf Ehi1, Seyho Yücetaş2, Yelda Yenilmez3, Serhat Tunç3, İnan Gezgin2, Mehmet Yasar Özkul4 Kafkas J Med Sci 2016; 6(2):88–93
35-Does the use of Brace Treatment have an Effect on Bone Mineral Density in Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) Patients. Balıoglu MB, Albayrak A, Atıcı Y, Kargın D, Çatal T, Kaygusuz MA, Yıldırım CH,Yücetaş SC, Akbasak A The journal of Turkish spinal surgery. 2014;sayı 1:25-31
36-Temporary cranial nerve paralysis due to carotid cavernous fistula. Çağatay H, Ekinci M, Koban Y, Yazar Z, Daraman Ö, Yücetaş SC, Bulgan A, Oğuz Ş doi: 10.5505/kjms.2014.52523
37-Isodense Epidural Hematoma in Hyperacute Term of Trauma: Case Report Ateş T, Yücetaş SC, Menekşe G, Özsoy KM, Ökten Aİ. Turkiye Klinikleri J Case Rep 2013;21(1):46-8
38-Acute Paraparesis with the First Presentation of Cord Compression Secondary to Vertebral Involvement of Lymphoma: a Case Report. Ucler N , Akpınar A, Ozdemir Ö, Yucetaş SC. Firat Med J 2016; 21(2): 104-106
39-The Effect of Type of the Drainage Kit Used in Hydrocephalus Resulted from Spontaneous Ventricular Hemorrhage on Mortality. Yucetaş SC,Üçler N,Dolaş İ, Ucar MD, Ehi Y, Altun Y, Kılınç S. Adıyaman Univ Health Science J, 1(1); 2015
40-Cerebral Arteriopathies due to Failure of Lymphatic Drainage and Protein Elimination. Erdoğan H Kelten B, Yücetaş SC, Çınar N, Karaoğlan A, Dr.Taşdemiroğlu E. Maltepe Medical Journal 2013, Volume 5, Issue 3, Page(s) 032-040
41- Lumbar Narrow Canal and Listhesis: When Is It Listhesis. Yücetaş SC,Üçler N, Özdemir N. Turkish Neurosurgery Journal 28(2):238-243. 2018
42- Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: Social Consequences Üçler N, Yücetaş SC, Kılınç S, Sarıca C. Turkish Neurosurgery Journal 28(1):132-133, 2018
43- Paranasal Sinus Mucoceles With Orbital Invasion. Çağatay HS,Ekinci,M,Koban Y, Pamukcu C, Şendul Y, Oba ME,Yucetaş SC, Şeker S,Ulusoy MS, Turkish Ophthalmology Journal 2014.
44- Ataxic Unilateral Cerebellar Agenesis: Case Report.Yücetaş SC, Karabağ H, Çakır A, Soran AF. Harran University School of Medicine Journal 2009. Volume 6;issue 6
45- Scrotal Hydrocele Developing After Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt: A Case Report Karabağ H, Yücetaş SC, Soran AF, Torun F. Harran University School of Medicine Journal 2008, Volume 5;Issue
46- Primary Isolated Total Cerebellar Agenesis: A Case Report and Literature Review. Üçler N ,Uçar Md ,Yücetaş Sc , Dolaş I , Kilinç S , Albayrak S TTurkish Neurosurgery Journal 26(3):218-220, 2016
47- Oxidized Regenerated Cellulose After Intracranial Meningioma Surgery Akgün B ,Öztürk S , Üçler N , Ertuğrul B , Erol Fs , Yücetaş Sc Adıyaman University Health Science Journal, 2015; 1(2):139-146
Oral presentations:
1- 2-Year Results of 60 Patients Who Had Been Given Classic Laminectomy Performed By Protecting Surpaspinous, Interspinous, Ligaments and Spinous Processes. Yücetaş SC, kılınç S, dolaş I, Özgündüz A,Sarıca C,Üçler N. The 32nd Scientific Congress, Turkish Neurosurgical Society) Antalya/ Turkey.2018
2- 21 cases of peritoneal migration of ventriculoperitoneal shunt. Yücetaş SC, Üçler N,Yılmaz, Musa Ateş. A. 32nd Scientific Congress, Turkish Neurosurgical Society, Antalya, Turkey, 2018
3- The Results of 44 Patients Operated For Glial and Metastatic Mass Whose Postoperative Survival Times Had Been Followed. Yücetaş SC,Üçler N,Yılmaz A. The 32nd Scientific Congress, Turkish Neurosurgical Society, Antalya, Turkey, 2018
4- 32 Cases In Whom The Median Stria Tarter Anatomic Exit Area Had Been Determined. Üçler N, Yücetaş SC. The 32nd Scientific Congress, Turkish Neurosurgical Society, Antalya, Turkey, 2018
5- Primary central nervouos system lymphomas. Yücetaş SC. The 32nd Scientific Congress, Turkish Neurosurgical Society, Antalya, Turkey, 2018
6- Evaluation of 25 patients with cubital tunnel syndrome operated under local anestesia or using axillary block.,N.Üçler, Yücetaş SC. EANS Congress October 1-5 Italy/Venice 2017
7-The effect of subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation on dyspepsia symptoms Yılmaz A, Yucetas SC, Uğur M. 17. International Conference on Neurology and Neuroscience held on October 16-18, 2017 in Toronto, Canada
8- Spinal anatomic distribution in 16 patients diagnosed with spinal metastatic breast cancer. Yucetas SC, Kılınç S, Dolaş İ, Üçler N, Özgündüz A, Sarıca C, Yılmaz A, Ateş T, Öztaş S. Cervical and Thoracic Degenerative Spine Symposium 21-24 September Bodrum/Niğde
9- Annual results of 9 patients with central cord syndrome after cervical trauma having contentious treatment. Üçler N, Yücetaş SC, The 31st Scientific Congress, Turkish Neurosurgical Society, Antalya, Turkey, 2017
10- The view of patients’ relatives on the disease and the patients in the postoperative period of lumbar disc hernia: The phenomenon of women/compassion in patriarchal societies Varol NT, Şahin T,Üçler N, Yücetaş SC The 13th Scientific Congress, Neurosurgical Nursing Society. Antalya Turkey: 2017
11-A retrospective analysis of neonatal encephalocele predisposing factors and outcomes Yucetas SC, Ucler N. EANS Congress September 4-8 2016 Athens
12-Meningoceles and myelomeningoceles in newborns:a study of 52 cases Ucler N, Yucetaş SC EANS Congress September 4-8 2016 Athens
13- The comparison of gene levels in hypertrophic and normal laminal flavum in disc degenerations with RT-PCR Yücetaş SC,YıldırımCH,öziç C, üçler N,Gezgin İ,ehi Y,kaya M The 32nd Scientific Congress, Turkish Neurosurgical Society, Antalya, Turkey, 2018
14- The comparison of the antioxidant levels of extremely protruded and extruded nucleus pulposus in degenerative lumbar disc hernia by rt-pcr method Yucetaş SC,Oziç C Yıldırım CH The 29th Scientific Congress, Turkish Neurosurgical Society, Antalya, Turkey, 2015
15- Comparison of TGF-B1 Gene Levels of Lumbar and Cervical Disc Degenerations with RT-PCR Yücetaş SC, Yıldırım CH, Kaya M,Öziç C, Ehi Y, Akbaşak A, The 28th Scientific Congress, Turkish Neurosurgical Society, Antalya, Turkey, 2014 (Winner of the Grand Prize)
16- Analysis of the Effect of Borax on the Expression of Various Genes in the Brains of Obese Rats and Evaluation of the Therapeutic Use of Borax in Obesity Yıldırım CH, Öziç C, Yücetaş SC, Kaya M, Gezgin İ,Kaya R, Togay H, Ehi Y, Atakişi O. The 10th Scientific Congress, The Neurosurgical Society Izmir, Turkey 2014 (Winner of the Grand Prize)
17- Comparison of TGF-B1 Gene Levels of Lumbar and Cervical Disc Degenerations with RT-PCR Yücetaş SC, Yıldırım CH, Kaya M,Öziç C, Ehi Y, Akbaşak A, The 28th Scientific Congress, Turkish Neurosurgical Society, Antalya, Turkey, 2014
18- The results of 40 patients in whom classical ventricular drainage and ventricular drainage with intraventricular pressure monitor have been used in non-traumatic hemorrhages opening to the thalamic intraventricular. Yücetaş SC, Yıldırım CH,Ateş T, Erdoğan H, Kaya M, Akbaşak A. The 28th Scientific Congress, Turkish Neurosurgical Society, Antalya, Turkey, 2014
19-The Effects Of Diffumarate Salt S- 15176 In Spinal Cord Injury Erdoğan H, Akdemır O, Kelten B, Yucetas SC, Tuncdemır M, Ozturk M Karaoğlan A. The 10th International Turkish Spine Congress 17-20 April 2013 Cappadocia TURKEY
20-Alpha- lipoic acid inhibits peridural fibrosis resulted from laminectomy through. Yucetas SC, Yıldırım CH, Kaya M, Ozıc C, Balioglu MB, Ustun H, Tasdemıroglu E,Akbasak A. 8th Black Sea Neurosurgical Congress. Tbilisi, Georgia:November 8-10;2013
21- Prevalence of Spinal Vertebral Fracture After Epileptic Seizure. Yücetaş SC, , Ehi Y, Yıldırım CH. The 50th National Neurology Congress Antalya/ Turkey 2014
22- Prevalence of Hydrocephalus in Thalamic Hemorrhages Opening to the Ventricle and Its Effect on Mortality. Yücetaş SC, , Ehi Y, Yıldırım CH.The 50th National Neurology Congress Antalya/ Turkey 2014
Poster presentations;
1.Result of the lifelong follow-up of 29 patients diagnosed with glioblastoma multiforme. Yücetaş SC,N.Üçler EANS Congress October 1-5 Italy/Venice 2017
2. Retrospective evaluation of 14 patients with tibial nerve injury in popliteal region injuries. Yücetaş SC, Özgündüz A, Yılmaz A, Kılınç S, Sarıca C, Üçler N. The 13th Congress of Nervous System surgery Fethiye MUğla Turkey, 2017
3. Presentation of 3 patients with fahr syndrome presenting with subarachnoid hemorrhage. Yücetaş SC,Üçler N. The 31st Scientific Congress of Turkish Neurosurgical Society, Antalya, Turkey, 2017
4. Spinal epidural non-hodgkin's lymphoma: a case report. Uçar MD, Üçler N, Yücetaş SC, Kılımç S, Dolaş İ, Albatrak S. The 31st Scientific Congress of Turkish Neurosurgical Society, Antalya, Turkey, 2017
5. Forgotten ventriculoperitoneal shunt. Üçler N, Uçar MD,YücetaşSCDolaş İ, Kılınç S. The 31st Scientific Congress of Turkish Neurosurgical Society, Antalya, Turkey, 2017
6. Late complication of head trauma: calcified subdural hematoma (armored brain).Üçler N, Uçar MD, Yücetaş SC, Dolaş I, Kılınç S.The 31st Scientific Congress of Turkish Neurosurgical Society, Antalya, Turkey, 2017
7. Comparison of long - term VAS scores of 70 patients who underwent steroid injections and epiduroscopy for postoperative epidural fibrosis. Yücetaş SC, Üçlerr N. The 30th Scientific Congress of Neurosurgical Society, Antalya, Turkey, 2016
8. Discussion of primary cerebellar agenesis in adult patient with literature. Üçler N, Uçar MD, Yücetaş SC, Dolaş I, Kılınç S, serdal Albayrak. The 30th Scientific Congress of Neurosurgical Society, Antalya, Turkey, 2016
9. Nutritional and electrolyte Na values in patients followed up with diffuse axonal injury. Yücetaş SC, Üçler N,Dolaş İ, Uçar MD, Kılınç S . The 30th Scientific Congress of Neurosurgical Society, Antalya, Turkey, 2016
10. Results of 40 patients operated for spontaneous intracerebral hematoma. Yücetaş SC, Üçler N, Kılınç S. The 30th Scientific Congress of Neurosurgical Society, Antalya, Turkey, 2016
11. Cervical metastasis of renal cell cancer presenting with neck pain only. Üçler N, Uçar MD, yücetaş SC, Dolaş İ, İşler s, Kilinç S.The 30th Scientific Congress of Neurosurgical Society, Antalya, Turkey, 2016
12.Evaluation of 22 patients presenting multiple primary brain tumors. Yucetas SC, Erdogan H, Yıldırım CH, Kaya M. The 29th Scientific Congress, Neurosurgical Society, Antalya, Turkey, 2015
13. Evaluation of 16 patients operated with local and axillary block in cubital tunnel syndrome. Yücetaş SC, Yıldırım CH, Ehi Y, Kılınç S, Üçler N, Ateş T. The 29th Scientific Congress, Neurosurgical Society, Antalya, Turkey, 2015
14. Meningocele and meningomyelocele comorbidities and their comparison: 60 case reports. Yucetas SC, Ehi Y, Yıldırım CH, Kılınç S, Gezgin İ. The 29th Scientific Congress, Neurosurgical Society, Antalya, Turkey, 2015
15. A case of subacute subdural hematoma following obstetric spinal anesthesia. Uçar MD, Üçler N, Dolaş İ, yücetaş SC, Kuşderdi HS, Sabuncu Ü. The 29th Scientific Congress, Neurosurgical Society, Antalya, Turkey, 2015
16. Results of 15 patients who underwent decompressive craniectomy after cerebrovascular infarction. Yücetaş SC,Yıldırım CH, Ehi Y, , Erdogan H,Ateş T Kaya M. The 29th Scientific Congress, Neurosurgical Society, Antalya, Turkey, 2015
17. The effect of CSF protein on mortality in hydrocephalus. Yücetaş SC,Ehi Y, Kaya M, Gezgin İ, Erdogan H, Kılınç S The 29th Scientific Congress, Neurosurgical Society, Antalya, Turkey, 2015
18. Comparison of gene levels with RT-PCR in black and white disc degenerations after MRI. Yıldırım CH,Yücetaş SC, Öziç C, Kaya M, Gezgin İ,Ehi Y. The 29th Scientific Congress, Neurosurgical Society, Antalya, Turkey, 2015
19. Hallervorden-Spatz syndrome; a rare case. Yücetaş SC, Yıldırım K, Ateş T, Erdogan H. The 29th Scientific Congress, Neurosurgical Society, Antalya, Turkey, 2015
20. Subdural brain abscess mimicking subdural hematoma case report.Yücetas SC, Yıldırım SH, Ehi Y, Beklen H, Yıldırım K, Kaya M. The 29th Scientific Congress, Neurosurgical Society, Antalya, Turkey, 2015
21. Case presentation of 7 patients with transverse atlantal ligament calcification. Yücetaş SC, Yıldırım CH,Yıldırım K, Kaya M. The 29th Scientific Congress, Neurosurgical Society, Antalya, Turkey, 2015
22. Posttraumatic diffuse pneumocephalus-related visual loss case report. Yüceraş SC, Beklen H, Karataş M. Neurosurgical Society 28th Scientific Congress, Antalya, Turkey, 2015
23. The Cubital tunnel syndrome in the classical intraoperative approach: Evaluation of 14 patients. Yücetaş SC, Yıldırım CH, Ehi Y, Kılınç S,Kaya M. The 28th Scientific Congress, Neurosurgical Society, Antalya, Turkey, 2014
24. Late term recovery of anisocoria in an epidural hematoma following a post-beaten. Yücetaş SC, Yıldırım CH, Kaya M, Ekinci M, Çağatay H,Akbaşak A. The 28th Scientific Congress, Neurosurgical Society, Antalya, Turkey, 2014
25. Evaluation of the 5 patients with unilateral cerebellar agenesis. Yücetaş SC,Hüseyinoğlu N, Yıldırım CH. The 28th Scientific Congress, Neurosurgical Society, Antalya, Turkey, 2014
26. Comorbid psychiatric disorders and effects on VAS score in 80 patients with chronic pain and operated due to lumbar spinal stenosis. Yücetaş SC, Yenimez Y, Yıldırım CH, Kaya M, Akbaşak A. The 28th Scientific Congress, Neurosurgical Society, Antalya, Turkey, 2014
27. A case of transient paraplegia-induced after lumbar facet joint blockage. Ateş T,Gölçek C, Yücetaş SC, The 28th Scientific Congress, Neurosurgical Society, Antalya, Turkey, 2014
28.Percutaneous microdiscectomy in lumbar disc herniation:Evaluation of 30 Patients According to VAS scores .Yucetaş SC, Erdogan H, Yıldırım A, Kelten B.2 and Middle East Spine Meeting Çeşme, İzmir, Turkey 16-19 May 2013
29. A case of meningioma with different localization from a single hemisphere dura.Yücetaş ŞC, Karatas M, Şahin G. The 27th Scientific Congress, Neurosurgical Society, Antalya, Turkey, 2013.
30. Dural sinus injuries after head trauma: 17 cases.Yücetaş ŞC, Lök U, Ateş T,Gulaçtı U . The 27th Scientific Congress, Neurosurgical Society, Antalya, Turkey, 2013
31. Percutaneous plasma disc coagulation therapy in lumbar disc herniation: Evaluation of long-term VAS and Oswestry scale results according to Modic and pfirrmann degeneration on MRI of 70 clinical cases.Yücetaş ŞC,Erdogan H, Ates T, Gezgin İ, Sahin G. The 27th Scientific Congress, Neurosurgical Society, Antalya, Turkey, 2013
32. Percutaneous vertebroplasty: Comparison of two different surgical techniques.Yücetaş ŞC, Gulaçtı U, Erdoğan H, Lök U, Bulut T . The 27th Scientific Congress, Neurosurgical Society, Antalya, Turkey, 2013
33. Sacral Dermal Sinus Tract Causing Spinal Epidural Empyema: Case Report.Ates T, Menekse G, Ökten Aİ, Ozsoy KM, Boğa Z, Guzel E, Yücetaş ŞC, Çıkılı M, Güzel A. The 27th Scientific Congress, Neurosurgical Society, Antalya, Turkey, 2013
34. Isodense epidural hematoma during hyperacute trauma: a case report.Ates T, Yücetaş ŞC, Menekse G, Ökten Aİ, Ozsoy KM, Gezercan Y, Olmaz B, Güzel A. The 27th Scientific Congress, Neurosurgical Society, Antalya, Turkey, 2013
35. An Example of Ulnar Nerve Trap Neuropathies: A Case of Accessory anconeus epitroclearis.Yücetaş ŞC, Sahin G, Hatipoglu SC, Cıplak E. The 27th Scientific Congress, Neurosurgical Society, Antalya, Turkey, 2013
36.Placement and distribution of intraoperatively diagnosed 22 accesory root out of 860 Lumbar Disc Hernia operated at our clinic. Yucetas SC, Yıldırım CH, Kaya M, Ozıc C, Erdogan H, Akbasak A. The 8th Black Sea Neurosurgical Congress. Tbilisi, Georgia:November 8-10;2013
37. Cystic meningiomas with dural invasion in adults: a case.Avcı E, Öztürk A, Özardali i, Bereket M, Karabağ H, Yücetaş ŞC, Çakır A. The 19th Scientific Congress, Neurosurgical Society, Antalya, Turkey, 2005.
38. Pneumocephalus growing phenomenon after head trauma. Avcı e, Öztürk A, Yücetaş ŞC, Soran AF, Bereket M, Çakır A. Nöroradyolji kongresi, Antalya, Turkey, 2006.
39. Radiological appearance of Hydatid Cysts in the different settlements.Öztürk A, Avcı E, Öztürk E, Altay M Yücetas ŞC. Anadolu Medical Journal. 2006
40. Desmoplastic infantile ganglioglioma: case report. Avcı E, Öztürk A, Torun F, Füsün B, Karabağ H, Yücetaş ŞC. 21st Scientific Congress of Turkish Neurosurgical Society, Antalya, Turkey, 2007.
41. Intradural lumbar disc herniation:case report. Öztürk A, Avcı E, Yazgan P, Torun F, Yücetaş SC, Karabağ H. 21st Scientific Congress of Turkish Neurosurgical Society, Antalya, Turkey, 2007.
42. A case of meningitis caused by Acinetobacter baumannii.Bayraktar MR, Tümer S, Soran AF, yücetas ŞC. Antibiyotik ve Kemoterapi Derneği 4. Kongresi, Fethiye, Turkey, 2009
43. Spinal midline closure defects admitted to our clinic between the years 2007-2010..Yücetaş ŞC, Özmen Ö, Soran AF, Torun F. 24th Scientific Congress of Turkish Neurosurgical Society, Antalya, Turkey, 2010.
44. Pneumocephalus in head trauma.Yücetaş ŞC, Torun F, Soran AF. 24th Scientific Congress of Turkish Neurosurgical Society, Antalya, Turkey, 2010.
45. Retrospective analysis of our encephalocele cases: case series.Yücetaş ŞC, Torun F, Soran AF, Çakır A, Mordeniz C. 24th Scientific Congress of Turkish Neurosurgical Society, Antalya, Turkey, 2010.
46. Frontal lobe syndrome in pneumocephalus.Yücetaş ŞC, Kılınç S Torun F, Soran AF. 25th Scientific Congress of Turkish Neurosurgical Society, Antalya, Turkey, 2011.
47. Procaine Use for Postoperative Analgesia in lumbar disc herniation.Yücetaş ŞC, Doğukan M, Soran AF. 25th Scientific Congress of Turkish Neurosurgical Society, Antalya, Turkey, 201
48. Restricted surgical method in carpal tunnel syndrome.Yücetaş ŞC, Ekmekcı B, Kılınç S Yıldırım A. 25th Scientific Congress of Turkish Neurosurgical Society, Antalya, Turkey, 2012.
49. Intraspinal extradural arachnoid cysts: Case Report.Yücetaş ŞC, Avcı E Torun F, Mordeniz C. 26th Scientific Congress of Turkish Neurosurgical Society, Antalya, Türkiye, 2012.
50. Familial Intracranial Lipoma. Ateş T, Güner M, Gezercan Y,Yücetaş SC,Olmaz B, Boğa Z, Ökten Aİ. 28th Scientific Congress of Turkish Neurosurgical Society, Turkey, 2014
51. Isolated Bilateral Facial Paralysis: A Rare Case.Yücetaş SC, , Ehi Y, Yıldırım CH. 50th National Neurology Congress Antalya/ Turkey 2014
52.Yusuf Ehi,Seyho Cem Yücetaş, Can Hakan Yıldırım, Mustafa Nazmi Berber, Selahattin Gur. Case report of Sexual Headache (50th National Neurology Congress 21-27 November 2014 Antalya)
53.İrfan Alıntas, Yusuf Ehi,S Cem Yücetaş. Clinical follow-up in patients with subacute sclerosing panencephalitis: The relationship between MRI and EEG findings .(50th National Neurology Congress 21-27 November 2014 Antalya)
54.Yusuf Ehi,S Cem Yücetaş, Can Hakan Yıldırım. Non-Convulsive Status Epilepticus Due to Quetiapine (50th National Neurology Congress 21-27 November 2014 Antalya)
55.Yusuf Ehi,S Cem Yücetaş, Can Hakan Yıldırım, Mustafa Nazmi Berber, Selahattin Gur. Fainting during urination(micturition syncope).(50th National Neurology Congress 21-27 November 2014 Antalya)
56.Yusuf Ehi,S Cem Yücetaş, Yelda Yenilmez, Serhat Tunç. Evaluation of Coexistence of Sleep Apnea Syndrome with Anxiety and Depression (50th National Neurology Congress 21-27 November 2014 Antalya