

Name Surname: Abuzer ULUDAĞ

Profession: Doctor

Branch: Orthopedics and Traumatology



1999  Atatürk University Faculty of Medicine

2007 Specialization in Medicine/ Dicle University Faculty of Medicine

Professional Experience

 1999 – 2001 Ministry of Health/ Medical Practitioner

2001 – 2007 Dicle University Faculty of Medicine / Orthopedics and Traumatology

2007 – 2011 Ministry of Health / Orthopedics and Traumatology

2011 - Assistant Professor Adıyaman University Faculty of Medicine

2012 - Adıyaman University Faculty of Medicine / Department of Surgical Medicine

Special Interests;

1. Orthopedics and Traumatology


Turkish Association of Orthopedics and Traumatology

Turkish Medical Association

List of International Scientific Publications;

1. Isolated sacral dislocation in a 4-year-old child.Isik M, Subasi M, Cebesoy O, Uludag A.

BMJ Case Rep. 2013 Aug 21;2013

2. Effect of lymphedema on the recovery of fractures.Arslan H, Uludag A, Kapukaya A, Gezici A, Bekler HI, Ketani A.J Orthop Sci. 2007 Nov;12(6):578-84. Epub 2007 Nov 30.

3. Successful treatment of hemophilic hand pseudotumors by only radiotherapy.Subasi M, Dirier A, Kapukaya A, Uludag A, Karadayi B, Cebesoy O.

Ann Plast Surg. 2007 Sep;59(3):338-40.

4-Gumustas S., Tosun HB, Agir I, Uludag A, “Nonunion of capitate due to late diagnosis in a teenager” Am J Case Rep, 2014;15: 139-142

5-Tosun HB., Gumustas S, Agır İ, Uludag A, Sancar S, “A Rare Cutaneous Complication of Insulin in a Patient With Type 2 Diabetes That Developed Foot Necrosis at the Injection Site: A Result of Inadequate Patient Education” J Endocrinol Metab. 2014;4(1-2):36-38.

6-Tosun HB, Uludag A, Serbest S, Gumustas S, Erdogdu İH, “A rare case of extensive diffuse nonpigmented villonodular synovitis as a cause of total Kneearthroplasty failure” Int J Surg Case Rep. 2014;5(7):419-423.         

List of National Scientific Publications;

 1- Pepele D.,Uludag A.,Elmalı N. Intra-Knee Osteochondral Fracture in Two Adolescent Patients . 11th National Congress of Sports Injuries and Arthroscopy (Poster) 2012

2-  Atıc R.Alemdar C.Uludag A.Sargın S. Kapukaya A.  23rd National Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress of Indirect Reduction Technique in Open Tibial Fractures (Sözlkniğiyle Plaklama Sonuçları(Oral presentation)2013

3-  Tosun HB., Serbest S., A. Uludağ, “Congenitally stretched thumb deformity: Case report” 23rd National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress,  Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc.- Supplementum I, 174 (cilt 47), Belek-Antalya, 2013.

4- Yıldırım A.Atiç R. Alemder C. Uludag A. Endoscopic Surgery Treatment of Nonseptic Bursitis Istanbul Meeting of Orthopedics and Traumatology 2014

5- Yıldırım A.Uludag A.Alemder C. Atiç R. Kapukaya A. Posterior Tibia Plateau Fractures Case Report Istanbul Meeting of Orthopedics and Traumatology 2014

6- Gümüştaş S., Tosun HB, Ağır İ, Uludağ A, “A case of nonunion of capitate due to late diagnosis in an adolescent patient” 14th National Congress of Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery, 15-18 May 2014, Bursa.

7- Seyit Ali Gümüştaş, Tolga Onay, Mehmet Müfit Orak, Abuzer Uludağ. Missed traumatic rupture of triceps tendon: case report. 14th National Congress of Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery. 15-18 May 2014. Bursa

8- Gümüştaş S., Tosun HB, Ağır İ, Uludağ A, “Cubital tunnel syndrome due to heterotrophic ossification: case report” 14th National Congress of Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery, 15-18 May 2014, Bursa.

9- Gümüştaş S., Tosun HB, Orak MM, Uludağ A, “Application of scapho-capitate arthrodesis in conjunction with arthroplasty in Lichtman Stage 3a Kienböck case.” 14th National Congress of Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery, 15-18 May 2014, Bursa.

10- Uludağ A., Tosun HB, Gümüştaş S, Ağır İ, “Isolated humeral small tubercle fracture: a case report” 14th National Congress of Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery, 15-18 May 2014, Bursa.

11- Tosun HB., Kom M, Gümüştaş S, Uludağ A, Serbest S, Eröksüz Y, “Effect of Sodium Hyaluronate / Sodium Chondroitin Sulfate Solution on Peritendinous Adhesion and Tendon Healing: Experimental Study” 14th National Congress of Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery, 15-18 May 2014, Bursa.

12- Uludağ A., Tosun HB, Sarı A, Gümüştaş S, Dost A, Ağır İ, “Septic arthritis caused by Serratia Marcescens after arthroscopic surgery” 24th National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress,  Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc.- Supplementum I, 252 (cilt 48), Belek-Antalya, 2014. ISSN: 1017-995x

13- Tosun HB., Ağır İ, Gümüştaş S, Uludağ A, Serbest S, Çelik S, “A new technique for tibial extensions with fixator-assisted extension plate (e-poster)” 24th National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress,  Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc.- Supplementum I, 163 (cilt 48), Belek-Antalya, 2014. ISSN: 1017-995x

14- Tosun HB., Uludağ A, Serbest S, Gümüştaş S, Erdoğdu Hİ, “A rare cause of insufficiency of total knee arthroplasty is an extremely common nonpigmented villonodular synovitis: case reprot (e-poster)” 24th National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress,  Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc.- Supplementum I, 207 (cilt 48), Belek-Antalya, 2014. ISSN: 1017-995x

Publications in National Refereed Journals;

1. Uludağ Ö.,Kavak Olmez G.,Tokgöz O.,Çelik F.,Tüfek A.,YıldırımBaysal Z.,Karaman H.,Uludag A. The effect of preemptive used paresetamol and lornoxiıcam on postoperative tramadol consumption Van Tıp Dergisi: 19 (1): 27-32, 2012

2-  Gümüştaş S., Tosun HB, Agir İ, Uludağ A., “Cubital Tunnel Syndrome due to Heterotrophic Ossification Caused by RadialHead Fracture: A Case Report” Hand Microsurg 2014 (Accepted date : November 19, 2014, HM-2014-11-019).

Invited speaker / Panelist at scientific meetings;

  1. Turkish Orthopedic and Traumatology Association Orthopedic Trauma Branch “Kars Regional Education Meeting” Kars, Turkey, June 2014
  2. Turkish Orthopedic and Traumatology Association Orthopedic Trauma Branch “Elazığ Regional Education Meeting” Elazig, Turkey, August 2014
  3. 24th National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress “Session Chairmanship” Belek-Antalya, 12-16 November 2014


* Tibial lengthening via external fixator-assisted extension plate in a patient with polio sequelae: Technical note “first prize in poster presentation with title study”/ Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Association

* Evaluation of the relationship between infrapatellar oil pillow and patellar chdromalasia/Harran University